Reference Charts RF µWave Communications – Anritsu

Reference Charts RF µWave Communications - Anritsu

These charts provide Band Designation, RF Measurements Conversion Tables, RF Spectrum Bands, RF Connector Comparison Tables, S-Paramaters, the Electromagnetic Spectrum, Waveguide Designation,

Power to Voltage Conversion, Spectrum Analyzer Conversion Factors, SWR ñ Reflection Coefficient ñ Return Loss, Power Measurements, Amplitude Modulation, Pulse Modulation, Frequency Modulation, and Bessel Functions.


Reference Charts for RF & µWave Communications – Anritsu

“Conversion tables for return loss, reflection coefficicient, and SWR with values for interaction of a small phasor (utility reference) expressed in dB related to the reference.


In microwave circuit design S-parameters are very useful for the full characterisation of any 2 port network. In contrast to z,y and h-parameters, which require broadband short circuited and open circuited connections at the TEST ITEM for the measurement,

S-parameters are determined with input and output terminated with the resistive characteristic impedance of test systems (generally 50 ohms in a coaxial line system). Parasitic oscillations in active devices are minimised when these devices are terminated in resistive loads.”

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