WARP Speed IGBT – International Rectifier
IGBTs are voltage-controlled power transistors, that have higher current densities than equivalent high-voltage power MOSFETs. (International Rectifier now with Infineon)
Features Includenn
- nn
- 2 to 2.5 times the current density of MOSFETs
- Lower conduction losses at equivalent current rating compared to MOSFETs
- Reduced current tail for high frequency operation
- “Positive-only” gate drive
600V Warp 60-150 kHz Discrete IGBT in a TO-247AC package
Lower switching losses allow more cost-effective operation than power MOSFETs up to 150 kHz (“hard switched” mode)
Of particular benefit to single-ended converters and boost PFC topologies 150W and higher
Low conduction losses and minimal minority-carrier recombination make these an excellent option for resonant mode switching as well (up to >>300 kHz)
The IGBT in TO-247 delivers the same efficiency at full loadas the MOSFET in the larger TO-247 package.