3 GHz Programmable Counter – Hameg

3 GHz Programmable Counter - Hameg

This counter from Rohde & Schwarz – Hameg has a 10-digit resolution, Nine measurement functions, External reference input (10 MHz) via BNC connector. It has a Measurement range from DC to 3GHz. It has a user friendly menu with advanced functions.

Measurement functions

Frequency A/B/C; period duration A; width A; totalize A; RPM A; frequency ratio A:B; time interval A:B; time interval A:B (average); phase A to B; Duty cycle A; burst measurements

The Input impedance A/B:50Ω or 1MΩ (switchable), sensitivity 25mV. Period duration measurement Range: 5ns to 10,000s.Time interval and Average time interval (Input A = start; input B = stop) LSD: 10ns (0,1ps to 10ns in ‘average’ mode).

The HM8123 comes with a USB/RS-232 interface, as an option the IEEE-488 GPIB interface is available.

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