iTHX-SD from NEWPORT – Web Data Logger

Monitor and Record Temperature, Relative Humidity and Dew Point over an Ethernet network and work on it with just a Web Browser. That Simple ! Some Features – Web Server, Get Alarms by Email or Text Message, Record Years of Data on Popular SD Cards.

The iTHX-SD is great for monitoring temperature + humidity in applications such as: clean rooms, computer rooms, HVAC systems, pharmaceutical and food processing and storage, hospitals, laboratories, semiconductor fabs, electronic assembly, warehousing, museums, manufacturing, greenhouses, farm animal shelters, and many more.

iTHX-SD from NEWPORT – Web Data Logger

“The NEWPORT iTHX-SD serves Active Web Pages to display real time readings, display charts of temperature and humidity, or log data in standard data formats for use in a spreadsheet or data acquisition program such as Excel or Visual Basic. The virtual chart viewed on the web page is a JAVA Applet that records a chart over the LAN or Internet in real time…. “

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