Alcatel-Lucent Resource Center

Alcatel-Lucent Resource Center

Brochures, Case Studies, Data Sheets, Network Diagrams, Technical Articles, Technical Materials, Webcasts and White Papers related to Communications.

Formed from the merger of Alcatel and Lucent Technologies………., At the core of this innovation is Alcatel-Lucent’s research, which includes the world-renowned Bell Labs and Research & Innovation groups ……now part of Nokia

Bell Labs, one of the largest innovation and R&D houses in the communications industry. Bell Labs was awarded 7 Nobel Prizes and holds over 29,000 patents

LightRadio Antenna Module

“Tod Sizer, Head of Wireless Research for Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs, talks about developing the lightRadio antenna module. lightRadio represents a new architecture where the base station, typically located at the base of each cell site tower, is broken into its components elements and then distributed into both the antenna and throughout a cloud-like network….”

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