Category: Resources


Joe and Sons – Industrial Services

Joe and Sons – Industrial Services We solve any Industrial Control Problem. Upgrading, Calibration and Annual Maintenance. Call us for a Factory visit and consider your job done. (this is an example ad) Ad...


OKI Sensor – Reed Switches and Sensors

Oki Sensor Device is a specialty manufacturer of reed switches and related products developed specifically to respond to these user needs. Products include Reed Switches, Proximity Switches, Shock Sensors.


MEMS Products from Axetris Leister

Micro-technology products and sevices. MEMS based ultra compact mass flow meters and controllers, modules and systems. MEMS based broadband infrared (IR) sources. Diode-based laser gas detection (LGD) OEM modules. Micro Optics and MEMS Services.


ABB – Power and Industrial Technologies

A world leader in power and automation technologies the have advanced solutions in Industrial Robotics. ABB known once as ASEA Brown Boveri, is a Swiss-Swedish multinational corporation headquartered in Zürich, Switzerland


KROHNE – Process Measurement Instruments

Krohne designs, develops and manufactures Process Instruments for Industrial Applications. The products include Instruments such as Variable area flowmeters, Vortex flowmeters, Radar level meters for Indsutries in Oil & Gas, Water & Wastewater, Chemicals,...

Emerson Process Management

Emerson Process Management is a leading global supplier of products, services, and solutions that measure, analyze, control, automate, and improve process-related operations.