GB300 Portable Percent Oxygen Analyzer – Teledyne AI

GB300 Portable Percent Oxygen Analyzer - Teledyne AI

Lightweight and easy to use, the GB300 incorporates Teledyne’s own Micro-fuel Cell sensor for quick and accurate analysis of oxygen.

Constructed of high impact resistant materials, the GB300 provides unparalleled performance under the harshest conditions. The unit is powered by 3 AA batteries which should last for at least 2000 hours of use.

Features Includenn


  • Teledyne’s own R-17D sensor
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  • Measuring range: 0-100% oxygen
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  • Sensor cable: Extends to 10 feet (3m)
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  • Signal output: 0-1 VDC
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  • RFI hardened: Yes
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Teledyne Gas and Liquid analyzers


“Teledyne designs and manufactures sensors, gas and liquid analyzers, and custom systems which combine over 50 years of expertise in electronics, chemistry and engineering.”

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