IET Labs – GenRad Impedance Instruments

In 2000, IET Labs acquired the GenRad standards, impedance decades, megohmmeters, digibridges, audio and strobe lines and now continues to manufacture, service and support these “In the Genrad Tradition…”

Products include the Standards and Decades products (Resistance, Capacitance, Inductance), Digibridges, Megohmmeters, Audio products, and Strobotac lines.

Since GenRad introduced the first commercial electronic stroboscope in the 1930’s, the GR models have remained the world standard.

GenRad 1546 Digital Stroboscope

The GenRad 1546 digital stroboscope emits a high-intensity, short-duration flash of light. The stroboscope features an electronic pulse generator that controls the flash rate, a line-operated power supply, and a light-emitting diode (LED) five digit readout in flashes per minute.

The instrument has internally and externally triggered modes of operation. In the Internal mode, the stroboscopes flash is triggered by an internal oscillator pulse which can also drive other IET stroboscopes for additional light sources. In the External mode, the 1546 operates as a digital tachometer.

IET Labs, Inc.
1 Expressway Plaza, No 120 Roslyn Heights NY 11577, USA.