Maxwell – Energy and Power Delivery Solutions

Maxwell ultracapacitor products provide energy storage and power delivery solutions. Aerospace products and services include radiation‐hardened microelectronics like single board computers and components such as high‐density memory and power modules.

The also manufacture special high‐voltage capacitors for long term reliability and environment ruggedness. Types are grading and coupling capacitors; capacitive voltage dividers.

Maxwell - Energy and Power Delivery Solutions

The K2 Series ultracapacitors are a third generation design that provides 2.7 volt operating voltage while improving Maxwell’s high performance and high reliability on a high volume manufacturing platform.

This type of caps are also an ideal source of back-up power. It can provide extended power availability, allowing critical information and functions to remain available during dips, sags, and outages in a power supply or battery change.

The K2 2.7V series works in tandem with batteries for applications that require both a constant power discharge for continual function and a pulse power for peak loads. In these applications, the ultracapacitors relieve batteries of peak power functions, resulting in extended battery life and a reduction in overall battery size and cost.

Maxwell Technologies, Inc.
3888 Calle Fortunada, San Diego, CA, 92123, USA


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