Minidatalogger HD207 – Delta OHM

Stable and Reliable monitoring of temperature and relative humidity. Delta Log2 software helps record and analyze the recorded data in a PC. The datalogger functions of Start, Stop, Configuration, Data Download and Logging Interval can be selectable either from instrument or computer.

Logging Capacity – 240K for one channel, 120K for two channels, 80K for 3 ch.
PC Interface Through a passive optoisolated RS232 serial port, 9600 bauds
Reading Interval Selectable among 1, 5, 10, 15, 30sec, 1, 5, 10, 15, 30min, 1hour.

Minidatalogger HD207 - Delta OHM

Typical applications are: monitoring of temperature/humidity during transportation, storage of
fresh or frozen foods, fruit, vegetable products and flowers, pharmaceuticals, sensitive and photographic products, paper, explosives, as well as laboratory activities in general.

Delta OHM – Process and Environmental Instruments

Electronic instruments for the measuring of the following parameters: Temperature, Relative Humidity, Pressure, Light, Acoustics, pH, Conductivity, Dissolved Oxygen and Wind speed.

Delta Ohm S.r.L.
Via G.Marconi, 5 – 35030 Caselle di Selvazzano, Padova (PD) ITALIA