Precision Instrumentation – Berkeley Nucleonics

Specialized Research Instruments for pulse, signal, light and function generators. Berkeley Nucleonics Corp – BNC is a leading manufacturer of precision electronic instrumentation for test, measurement and nuclear research.

Products include – Pulse and Delay Generators, Arbitrary Waveform Generators and other Measurement Instruments. Handheld Radiation Detection, X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy, Chemical/Bio Analysis.

Model DB-2 Random Pulse Generator – BNC

A random pulse generator that utilizes a charge control concept. Controlled voltage transitions at average rates from 10 Hz to 1 MHz.

Besides random pulse, the Model DB-2 also provides mono energetic repetitive pulses. In this mode, the DB-2 is an excellent general purpose pulser. When the EXT REF input is used with an external ramp, the DB-2 provides sliding pulses to quickly check system or component linearity.

Berkeley Nucleonics Corporation
2955 Kerner Blvd, San Rafael CA 94901 USA.

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