Princeton Applied Research – Electrochemical Instrumentation

Princeton Applied Research is a global leader in the manufacture of electrochemical instrumentation including potentiostats and galvanostats for research electrochemistry, applied corrosion, battery and fuel cell research, biomedical research, plating and sensor applications. Part of Ametek Inc.

Founded in 1961 by a group of scientists and businessmen from Princeton University and the Plasma Physics Laboratory, Princeton Applied Research has over 40 years’ experience in understanding and serving the needs of the electrochemical research market.

Electrochemical Software, Electrochemical Accessories, Research Electrochemistry, Fuel Cell Research, Sensors, Biomedical Research, Surface Imaging.

PARSTAT 2273 – Princeton Applied Research

A Versatile potentiostat or galvanostat, the 2273 has more internal maximum current and an ability to boost up to 20A. It can interface with many instruments and equipment for Laboratory Research..

“The 2273 hardware combined with PowerSINE software can perform EIS experiments from 1MHz to 10µHz. These measurements can control either potentiostatic (Single Sine, Fast MultiSine, or Mott-Schottky), or galvanostatic, (Galvanostatic EIS) experiments.”


  • 2A current max. (20A boosted)
  • 100V compliance
  • 1.2fA current resolution
  • > 1013 Ω input impedance
  • < 5pF of capacitance
  • 10µHz to 1MHz built in analyzer

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