ROV Metal Oxide Varistors Raychem Tyco

The ROV device’s high current-handling and energy absorption capability, fast response, and low cost can make it suitable for use in line voltage applications.

“ROV metal oxide varistors help protect power systems from damage caused by transient overvoltage faults such as lightning, power contact, and power induction. Suitable for a broad range of applications, ROV devices help protect sensitive electronic equipment from potential power surge damage by clamping high-energy, short-duration impluses.”

ROV Metal Oxide Varistors Raychem Tyco

“An ROV device is a varistor fabricated using a Zinc Oxide (ZnO) powder, sintered with other metal oxide ceramics. The resulting structure is a polycrystalline ceramic that consists of distributed ZnO grains, separated by other metal oxide ceramics.”

Raychem Circuit Protection Products

“A varistor is a variable resistor-a voltage dependent, non-linear device whose resistance decreases as the voltage applied across the device increases. ”

ROVs can also be used to help protect electrical equipment from damage caused by large voltage or power transients on the AC Mains inputs. In a coordinated circuit protection scheme the ROV can be paired with a PolySwitch overcurrent protection device to help improve equipment reliability and fulfill IEC-61000 test requirements.

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