Yokogawa – Test and Measurement

The product range includes digital oscilloscopes, energy/power analyzers, data acquisition systems and Optical Instruments like Optical Spectrum Analyzers and Optical Reflectometer.

Yokogawa – Test and Measurement

Yokogawa also has sources and signal generators to configure a high speed test and measurement system. Portable and Handheld Instruments for field use like DMM, Insulation tester, Lux meter and more.

DL850E ScopeCorder

The DL850E ScopeCorder is a powerful portable data acquisition recorder and oscilloscope that can capture and analyze both transient events and trends up to 200 days.

A ScopeCorder provides a wide variety of unique acquisition features to handle small or large amounts of data. Therefore it can perform multi-channel measurements for longer measurement periods while still being able to precisely capture transient events with the highest detail.

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