AVR Circuits by Vassilis Serasidis – AVRsite


Circuits based on AVR microcontrollers from Atmel. “little powerful things”

AVR Circuits by Vassilis Serasidis – AVRsite

Generic experimental AVR board v2.0

A simple and small AVR board to develop your applications. It consists of few, cheap and ordinary components like LEDs, Voltage regulator and capacitors by Vassilis Stergiopoulos on AVR Assembly.

4-input mini Logic Analyzer

4-input mini Logic Analyzer

A mini Logic Analyzer wich has 4 inputs, it’s portable (55×65 mm), battery powered and can capture data up to 400kHz.

AVR based oscilloscope

AVR based oscilloscope

A mega32 based low speed oscilloscope. It can be used to measure signals from 10Hz up to 7.7 kHz. The input voltage range can be up to 24V AC or 30V DC.


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