Basic Analog for Digital Designers


There is a long gap between engineering college and mid career in a non-engineering position, but technology marches on so a simple method of keeping abreast with the latest developments is required. This application note starts with an overview of the basic laws of physics, progresses through circuits 1 and 2, and explains op amp operation through the use of feedback principles.

Basic Analog for Digital Designers – Application Note an9510

Basic Analog for Digital Designers

AN9510.2 October 19, 2004 – This is an Analog Reference for the Embedded Engineer. An Application Note from Intersil Tech Reference.

  1. Basic Physics Laws, Circuit Theorems and Analysis
  2. Ohm’s and Kirchoff’s Laws
  3. Voltage and Current Dividers
  4. Thevenin’s and Norton’s Theorems
  5. Networks in the Feedback Path
  6. Types of Opamp Configurations
  7. Video Amplifiers


Some algebra, the basic laws of physics, and the basic circuit laws are adequate to gain an understanding of op amp circuits. By applying these tools to various circuit configurations it is possible to predict performance. Further in-depth knowledge is required to do op amp design, and there are many sources where this knowledge can be obtained. Don’t hesitate to try some of these tricks on your local circuit design engineer, but be aware that it may result in a long lecture about circuit design.

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