CPI – Microwave and Power Technologies
Manufacturer of magnetrons, klystrons, gyrotrons, power amplifiers, TWTs and power grid tubes for microwave, broadcast and radar applications.
CPI – Microwave and Power Technologies
“In 1948, Russell H. Varian and Sigurd F. Varian, the historical founders of CPI’s business, founded Varian Associates and introduced the klystron as its first commercial product.” – History
“Eimac designs and produces power tubes for broadcast, communications, radar, industrial heating, semiconductor processing, science and medical applications..”
RF Fact Check – Why SSPA, TWTA, or KPA?
When choosing amplifier technology, the typical factors which are considered are price for the power level desired, efficiency, operating costs, weight, size and bandwidth……
Communications & Power Industries LLC
607 Hansen Way, Palo Alto, CA 94304-1015, USA.