eCircuit Center – Spice Schematics


“The goal is a site where the learning of electronics is hands-on and fun. And the SPICE circuit simulator is a great software tool to achieve that goal. It hit me the first time I used SPICE – simulating is fun! And because it’s easy to use, I’ve spent a lot of time building and exploring circuits.” – Rick

eCircuit Center – Spice Schematics

SPICE is capable of performing both AC (frequency) Analysis and Transient (time) Analysis. SPICE also performs a number of other analyses like DC, Sensitivity, Noise and Distortion.

SPICE Basics, SPICE Commands, Circuit Collection


“At the core of the function generator is a triangle wave generator. How do you generate a triangle wave? The most common way is to get a capacitor and then alternate charging it and discharging it. But how to you get a nice linear ramp across the capacitor?”

Triangle and Square-Wave Generator

Simulation Circuit Examples –

  • Programmable Gain Amplifier (PGA) Op Amp
  • Single-Supply AC Inverting Amplifier
  • Instrumentation Amp (3 Op Amp)
  • Sensor Bridge with Current Bias
  • The PID Controller
  • Pulse Width Modulation
  • Precision Half-Wave Rectifier

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