EdSim51 – 8051 Simulator
A virtual 8051 is interfaced with virtual peripherals such as a keypad, motor, display, UART, etc. The student can write 8051 assembly code, step through the code and observe the effects each line has on the internal memory and the external peripherals.
The student can learn how to scan a keypad, multiplex 7-segment displays, control a motor and count its revolutions, etc.
A Note from the Developer – Jjames Rogers – .”While lecturing in electronics at IT Sligo, I searched the Internet for an 8051 simulator suitable for teaching but to no avail. I therefore decided to develop my own simulator for the basic 8051 with virtual peripherals attached to the four ports.”
“After about a year’s working on the project, on and off, the result was the EdSim51 simulator. I then put together a set of notes that are now the Beginner’s Guide to the 8051on this website.”
The Virtual Peripherals:
- Analogue-to-Digital Converter (ADC)
- Comparator, UART
- 4 Multiplexed 7-segment Displays
- 4 X 3 Keypad and 8 LEDs
- DC Motor and 8 Switches
- Digital-to-Analogue Converter (DAC) – displayed on oscilloscope