Electric VLSI Design System EDA

Custom IC layout, Schematic Capture, Languages such as VHDL and Verilog. An Open-source Electronic Design Automation, EDA. Electric VLSI uses connectivity for all design, even Integrated Circuit layout. This means that you place components (MOS transistors, contacts, etc.) and draw wires (metal-2, polysilicon, etc.) to connect them. The screen shows the true geometry, but it knows the connectivity too.

Electric VLSI Design System EDA

Electric EDA of Static Free Software written by Steven M. Rubin

“Electric has many analysis tools, including design-rule checking, simulation, and network comparison. Electric has many synthesis tools, including routing, compaction, silicon compilation, PLA generation, and compensation.”

Electric VLSI Design System EDA

Electric is a sophisticated electrical CAD system that can handle many forms of circuit design, including. Custom IC layout ASICs, Schematic drawing, Hardware description language specifications.

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