Emant – Data Acquisition Trainers

Webcasts, videos, application notes, demos, specifications and prices for USB DAQ (Data Acquisition) and Bluetooth DAQ modules and kits.

The Kits and Tutors they offer are – Bluetooth DAQ Starter Kit, USB DAQ Training Kit, Learn Sensor and Data Acquisition. Learn to use  LabVIEW and apply C++.

Emant - Data Acquisition Trainers

Use EMANT380 Bluetooth DAQ and create apps for Android and Raspberry Pi using the Python programming language.

Low Cost Bluetooth DAQ Starter Kit

Bluetooth DAQ Starter Kit allows everyone to learn Wireless Data Acquisition in an affordable manner. While Building the Light Intensity Data Logger and other interesting Virtual Instruments, the user will learn.

Sensor, Actuators – Light Sensor, Thermistor, IC temperature sensor, LEDs, Switch
Data Acquisition – Analog Input, Analog Output, Digital Input, Digital Output

Emant Pte Ltd Co.
23 Hindhede Drive #03-06 Singapore 589320

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