Embedded Internet Development from CCS

CCS develops tools exclusively for the Microchip PIC MCU. CCS is also a leading provider of electronic engineering services for embedded software development and hardware design.
Design. Connect. Realize with EZ Web Lynx. “The EZ Web Lynx module can easily be added to any existing electronic design to gain Ethernet capability, reducing development and engineering time.”
Embedded Internet Development Kit CCS
The CCS Embedded Internet Development Kit is an evaluation kit for demonstrating TCP/IP and internet connectivity. This kit includes the powerful PCWH Integrated Development Environment with compiler support.
Two distinct example programs are included to demonstrate applications. The first example is a simple webserver, which allows web clients to view the potentiometer reading from anywhere in the world using a web browser. The second example is an SMTP/E-Mail client, which shows how to send E-mails.
CCS, Inc.
1020 Spring City Drive, Waukesha, WI 53186, USA.