Gould Electronics – Copper Products for Electronics

They develop and manufacture electro-deposited copper foils in various IPC grades and thicknesses up to 400µm. These are used in high-end multilayer PCB. Electro-deposited copper foil forms the heart of many electronic gadgets and equipment we use today.

Gould Electronics – Copper Products for Electronics

GOULD Electronics is a global leader in the market for copper foil products and the partner of numerous leading copper clad manufacturers and board shops.

“Electrodeposited copper foil has been used for half a century as raw material in microelectronics.”

GOULD Electronics History

  • First patent for electroplating copper foil issued to Edison – 1908
  • First production of ED copper foil in Eichstetten, Germany – 1963


Reverse Treated Copper Foil

Reverse treated copper foil is manufactured by applying copper nodularization, brass thermal barrier and passivation to the shiny smooth side of the foil rather than to the roughened matte side of the foil as is done when manufacturing conventional copper foil.

The treatment of RTC foils compared to standard foils provides faster, cleaner etching with more vertical sidewalls. Inner layer yields can be higher due to the cleaner etching and less undercutting of photo-resist.

GOULD Electronics GmbH
Hauptstraße 3, 79356 Eichstetten, Germany.

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