Joar Falstad – Low cost industrial IO


Combine standard Industrial I/O cards and a PC – The idea is to make the use of low-cost , massproduced industrial I/O cards in conjunction with a multimedia PC easy , yet powerful and flexible.

Joar Falstad – Low cost industrial IO

Joar Falstad – ” I’m a self employed service engineer in my own company Jo Tech ServiceĀ  in Norway ” , working with the same products & more .”

  • Advanced automatic spot announcing machine
  • Time & masterfile controlled analog conversion
  • Alarm generator for ships , schematic
  • PLC add on / PLC controlled analog multiplexer schematic

Composing examples using lowcost massproduced industrial standard analog / digital I/O cards


AD/DA Conversion and Data Acquisition

Latest USB interface and the one of the first ISA interface boards we used in mid 90’sĀ  made easy. Users : laboratories & more.

Jo Tech Service
Lykkmarka 53, 7081 Sjetnemarka, 047 Norway

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