SPECTRO – Metal Analyzers – Spectrometers

Analytical instruments, employing optical emission and X-ray fluorescence spectrometry technology, used for the elemental analysis of materials in industry.

The main product line are the metal analyzers. In addition, they have ICP and XRF spectrometers. They include handheld spectrometers and the XRF handheld analyzer – for metal analysis and sorting.

SPECTRO xSORT XRF handheld analyzer

Designed for high-throughput elemental testing and spectrochemical analysis of a wide range of metals and other materials in the field. Its speed, accuracy and ease of use.

Applications – Positive material identification (PMI) and environmental screening, recycling of alloys, precious metals, and aluminum, plus mining and compliance screening.

SPECTRO iQ II -= “It is ideal for elemental analysis of liquids, solids, pastes, slurries and powders for measuring Mg through U qualitatively and quantitatively.”

SPECTRO Analytical Instruments GmbH
Boschstr. 10 47533 Kleve Germany

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